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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Who are we...?

The Mid-Columbia Woodturners Association (MCWT) is a nonprofit organization located in Southeastern Washington State. We are focused on educating woodturners and the public about the art and craft of woodturning. Join MCWT, help it fulfill its mission, learn more about woodturning, and spend time with people who love woodturning. MCWT hosts monthly demonstrations, operates a lending library that is free for members, hosts a monthly raffle of wood to be turned and/or tools.

Annual dues are $35 per year for an individual, or $45 for your entire family. 

For questions or concerns please contact one of our board members here.



Club Photo Album

The March Monthly Challenge is to create an Animal, Some part of it must be turned.

Web Tips


If you want to create a Desktop Icon to go directly to the Website,

Check out our FAQs or go to the Document Library and find the PDF and Icon File under Help Files. Click Here.

In the News...

Thinking Safely...

Picture of the Month...

Oregon WoodTurning Symposium

The Oregon Woodturning Symposium invites you to explore its Instant Gallery, featuring hundreds of hand-turned wooden artworks crafted by talented artisans.


Visit with wood and tool vendors, offering unique products and supplies for enthusiasts and professionals. On Saturday, see live demonstrations of a working sawmill and a foot-powered treadle lathe (a manually operated machine for shaping wood).

Support local hunger relief efforts by participating in our Empty Bowls fundraiser, benefiting Linn Benton Food Share. For just $25, take home a one-of-a-kind wooden bowl.


Friday, March 14, 10 AM–5 PM

Saturday, March 15, 10 AM–5 PM


Linn County Expo Center, Albany, Oregon

Dust 3

This a is a great article on Dust Extraction involving how to battle dust -- what you can't see can hurt you.

Dust 3

This piece created by Ron Gerton is a great display of combining wood with other media such as metal


Mid-Columbia Woodturners is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners, which has over 13,000 members and 330+ chapters in the United States and abroad.